Virtual Land Acknowledgment

We acknowledge that we live, work, and learn on the traditional lands of many tribes of Indigenous peoples across North America. We acknowledge the past, present, and future human impact our communities have on Indigenous ways of life and the land we inhabit. We honor with gratitude the land itself as a living entity that supports countless interconnected beings, and the ongoing connections of Indigenous peoples to these waters, lands, plants, and animals. 

As we continue to gather virtually from around the country, we encourage you to learn more about the Indigenous peoples who have stewarded and who continue to steward the land you inhabit and to continue seeking ways to honor and cultivate meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples, non-human animals, and the land and water.

Let’s make an effort to do more together. Please consider donating your time or money to a charity or activist group (some are listed below), frequenting Indigenous-owned businesses, and contacting your elected representatives.


Looking to draft your own land acknowledgment? Check out these resources:


Sources referenced for the SAi land acknowledgment:


Learn more about land-grant universities: