A QuickTake on the 2016 “How Boston and Other American Cities Support and Sustain the Arts” Report

A recent analysis from the Muindi Lab at SAi provided a quick take on the 2016 “How Boston and Other American Cities Support and Sustain the Arts” Report.  Read the review

TDC, one of the nation’s oldest nonprofit management consulting and research firms, partnered with The Boston Foundation on this 2016 study of Boston’s cultural and funding landscape. The report provides a detailed look at the Boston’s arts community along several dimensions.

You can read the full report here.

Our Objective

  • Provide a summary of the important points in the data within the report.
  • Discuss the possible implications that the data has for grantmaking strategy.
  • Identify additional data or research that would help inform future planning.
  • Outline a plan to gather and analyze new data.