Jonathan J. Wisco, Ph.DResident; Better Learning Experiences

I am Co-Founder of the non-profit organization, Better Learning Experiences ( Our mission is to improve teaching that results in engagement within inclusive and productive learning spaces. We empower educators to deliver the highest quality courses that result in superior student outcomes. Through a full range of faculty development resources, training, and mentoring solutions, we use proven expertise across course design, student engagement, and assessment. My educational scholarship focuses on service-learning. I direct the national program, Anatomy Academy, which was established in 2012 to teach anatomy, physiology and nutrition concepts to elementary school children – especially those from underserved neighborhoods – as an effort to promote healthy lifestyles through educational intervention, and to inspire kids to pursue science as a career. I am also Associate Professor and Director of the Laboratory for Translational Anatomy of Degenerative Diseases and Developmental Disorders, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology at Boston University School of Medicine. My lab is interested in the histological validation of innovative imaging and surgical techniques related to various anatomic pathologies including Alzheimer’s disease, subglottic stenosis, prostate cancer, and synovial joint disorders.

interested in our history?

Formal operations began in 2015, but our history goes back further than that. 

interested in supporting the SRC?

Our work is driven by the support from individual donors and companies.