Matt Wilkins, Ph.D.Resident, Galactic Polymath

matt wilkins photo

I’m an ecologist and evolutionary biologist by training, but my real passion is science communication. We are all born curious, experimenting with our senses to learn about the world. Only later are many of us convinced that science is remote, unapproachable, and boring. In my view, science and critical thinking should be part of every major decision, and a science-informed life is richer and more exciting! We need to do better as communicators and educators to nurture every child’s inherent scientific curiosity to adulthood. Toward this end, I previously founded the midwestern SciComm conference at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and currently work with Vanderbilt’s Center for Science Outreach and Metro Nashville Public Schools to create and teach mind-expanding, interdisciplinary lessons for middle school students. With SAi, I plan to expand my vision for Galactic Polymath, a company that will work directly with researchers and nonprofits to translate expert knowledge into creative, active learning experiences for grades 5+ and make it easy for teachers to connect national standards with the real world.

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interested in our history?

Formal operations began in 2015, but our history goes back further than that. 

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Our work is driven by the support from individual donors and companies.