Sam HansenJunior Resident; C6 SAi Fellow Alumni

I am the Mathematics & Statistics Librarian for the University of Michigan (ORCiD 0000-0003-1070-8232), Lead Producer and Mathematical Storyteller at, and the database developer for Medial History Digital Library and PodcastRE .

I tell stories from the mathematical domain with Relatively Prime, interviewed mathematicians on Strongly Connected Components, went on and on about fights from the history of science in Science Sparring Society, and covered breaking mathematical news with Peter Rowlett on Math/Maths. I am developing the project Relatively Prime Next Generation Storyteller in the Mathematical to help develop more mathematical storytellers. It will feature both a retreat where new storytellers can learn the tools and techniques to tell their stories and the opportunity to report and produce a mathematical story for release on the Relatively Prime podcast.

On a more personal note, I spend way too much time with my bikes, drinking decaffeinated coffee, and listening to podcasts at 2X.

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interested in our history?

Formal operations began in 2015, but our history goes back further than that. 

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Our work is driven by the support from individual donors and companies.